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1: Ads
I have now decided that the ads do not decrease the reading experience at all, so given that for the next three months, ads will remain the same.
2: Schedule
Anyone still remembers the old daily deals? it is now back again but in a different way, instead of deals on every day, only Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat will have deals, Fri/Sat will guarantee to have at least three premium class deals. Tue and Thu will be news day/ routes day. Sun will be the review day. Tue and Fri is the only two day that may not have blog posts. This will start Feb 1, Jan 29 will be news day, 30 will be deal day and 31 will be news also.
3: Quality and Quantity
Deals, at least 7 deals per post. Reviews, at least one flight review per month. News, at least 6 news per month, 1 major.